Why Should You Use Colostrum from Cows

Why Should You Use Colostrum from Cows

Cows, humans, and all other mammals produce colostrum, i.e. the first food of life. Colostrum comes from the mother’s mammary glands in the first few days after birth of her young. Its function is to promote the newborn’s growth and development and to help mature the infant’s G.I. tract. In fact, without colostrum, baby animals would die….

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How Does Colostrum Provide More Energy?

How Does Colostrum Provide More Energy?

Secreted in the few days immediately following birth, bovine colostrum is known to contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals that may contribute to better health. If you are feeling sluggish or find that you could use more stamina in your day-to-day, colostrum may just provide you with the energy that you need. Learn…

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