Colostrum and the Gut-Brain Axis

Colostrum and the Gut-Brain Axis

Your body is home to trillions of microbes. Most are harmless, but many play active roles in your health. A large portion of helpful bacteria can be found in your stomach and intestines, ensuring healthy digestion and metabolism so that you can get as much nutrition from your food as possible. However, growing research suggests…

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Bovine Colostrum Advocates Share Their Expertise

Bovine Colostrum Advocates Share Their Expertise

Bovine colostrum is an exceptional nutritional supplement because it has been shown to help users improve immune function, prevent infection, heal a leaky gut, increase muscle strength and stamina, accelerate the recovery process after exercise or injury, and attenuate the deleterious effects of aging. Many physicians and health professional have joined the bovine colostrum movement…

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Lectin vs. Leptin: What Makes Them Different?

Lectin vs. Leptin: What Makes Them Different?

With just a one-letter difference, it’s easy to mix up leptin and lectin, but these two compounds are far different, possessing vastly different functions and effects within the human body. Learn more about lectin and leptin and why it’s important to understand their differences below. What is Lectin? Lectin is a type of protein that…

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Is Leaky Gut Contributing to Your Food Allergies?

Is Leaky Gut Contributing to Your Food Allergies?

Food allergies reportedly affect over 50 million Americans, resulting in a wide range of symptoms ranging from mild digestive distress to severe anaphylaxis. While genetics may be the main contributor to food allergies, researchers still are not sure what specifically causes certain people to be more sensitive to foods than others. Early research suggests that…

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How to Improve the Health of Your Gut Microbiome

How to Improve the Health of Your Gut Microbiome

Your digestive system is home to a diverse array of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are good, some are bad, and some have no real effect at all. However, the gentle balance of these bacteria is necessary to the ecosystem in your gut known as the microbiome, and a healthy gut microbiome contributes a variety…

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How to Test For Leaky Gut

How to Test For Leaky Gut

Leaky gut, also referred to as intestinal hyperpermeability, is a primary cause of many health concerns. Those who understand the implications of leaky gut and pursue diagnostic testing for it can properly identify and address this growing health problem. How to Test For Leaky Gut was last modified: January 13th, 2023 by Samantha Lander

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